Penalty fares FAQs

Penalty fares frequently asked questions.

You can buy train tickets from our website or mobile app with a credit card. Revenue protection staff will call our control office to verify that there was no opportunity to purchase a ticket.


You can buy a ticket from our website or mobile app before you get on the train.


This is one of the most common reasons we hear from people without a ticket who had no intention of paying and we’ll normally issue a penalty fare notice in this case.

You should buy a ticket from our website or mobile app before you get on the train.

  • It’s an on-the-spot fare issued if you’re travelling without a valid ticket for your journey when you had the opportunity to buy one
  • The penalty fare is £100 plus the price of the full single fare for your intended journey on that train
  • It is reduced to £50 plus the full single fare if you pay within 21 days

For full details visit our Penalty Fares page


You have the option to pay the penalty fare on the spot, or within 21 days from the day following the date of issue.

If you don’t want to pay immediately, we’ll take your name, address and date of birth and a penalty fare notice will be issued to you. You can choose to pay online, by post or over the phone.

For full details visit our Penalty Fares page


You may become liable for legal proceedings if you don’t pay the penalty fare in full within 21 days from the day following the date of issue.


If you arrive at the station and there’s no ticket office or ticket machine available, you should buy a ticket from our website or mobile app before you get on the train.

If you still can’t buy a ticket, you MUST make yourself known to the conductor as soon as possible, who MAY be able to sell you a ticket. If not, you MUST purchase your ticket at the earliest opportunity.


If there’s no ticket office or ticket machine available, you should buy a ticket from our website or mobile app before you get on the train.

If you still can’t buy a ticket, you MUST make yourself known to the conductor as soon as possible, who MAY be able to sell you a ticket. If not, you MUST purchase your ticket at the earliest opportunity.

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